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Hollywell Primary School

At Hollywell Everyone Matters

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Hollywell Primary School home page

Hollywell Primary School

At Hollywell Everyone Matters


Admission to Hollywell Primary School

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.


Applying and Admissions

The Pupil Admission number for Reception is 30. We are a single form entry primary school and have no mixed age classes.


Applying to Full Time School (Reception year)

This process is called first admissions and is dealt with directly by the local authority. You will receive a letter directly to your home address in the November of the school year prior to the next academic year when your child will become five. 


All information is available at  Parents/carers are required to apply on a common application form through their ‘home’ local authority.


You will need an email account if you wish to make an online application; it is a safe and secure way to apply and you can make changes to your application right up to the closing date. You will receive an email to acknowledge that your application is being processed.


 You can find further information from Nottinghamshire County Council here. 

Choosing the right school for your child is a really important decision. We encourage prospective parents to visit our school during a typical school day so you can see first-hand what we at Hollywell Primary School can offer your child as they embark on their school learning journey. 


We believe that the best way to get a feel for our school is to visit, as the children are at the centre of all we do.


Parents open day for children starting school September 2025. Visits are by appointment only, with a maximum of 2 adult places per household. Please contact the school office by calling 0115 9195898 or email 


We have added Monday 6th January 2025 for parents to visit school, please contact the school office to make an appointment.

Open days for children starting September 2025


Hollywell Primary Catchment Area


Click on the below link and enter your postcode to confirm if you are in the Hollywell Catchment.



Hollywell Catchment Area Map

Admissions to year groups other than the intake year


You may be wish to move your child to our school within a school year. This is possible, providing there is space in the year group applied for. You must apply directly to the school using the admission form below. A reply will be sent within 10 school days from when the application was received by the school. Should you choose to accept the place offered, you are required to email within 20 school days of the date of the school's offer letter.  Once the transfer has been agreed by both schools, then a start date is decided and a transition process begins. 


If you would like to visit our school, please contact the office to arrange an appointment by email or calling 0115 9195898

Come And Visit!

The best way to decide whether a school is right for your child and you is to visit. The Head Teacher will only be too be happy to show you around the school. 


In-Year Admissions Application Form

School Prospectus

For detailed information about Hollywell Primary School please click on the school prospectus below. 

Hollywell Primary School Determined Admission Arrangements 


The local governing body of Hollywell Primary School  is its own admissions authority for the school and it determines its admission arrangements annually.

Hollywell Primary School Admission Arrangements 2024-25

Hollywell Primary School Admission Arrangements 2025-26


Parents have the right to an independent appeals panel if they are not happy with the outcome of their application.

  • Any appeal must be made to the Clerk to the Admissions Appeal Panel (Hollywell Primary School) within 20 school days from the date of the refusal letter.
  • Parents will receive notice of the date of appeal at least 10 days in advance of the hearing.
  • Appeals lodged within the time-frame will be heard within 40 school days.
  • Appeals for late applications will be heard within 20 school days.
  • Repeat applications in the same academic year will not be considered unless there is a significant and material change in circumstances.

Published admission appeals timeline for September 2025

Fair Access Protocol

The school recognises its responsibility to fulfill its statutory duties under the admission code and will participate in the local area protocol.