Spanish at Hollywell
Hola! Spanish is provided for all children at Hollywell Primary School. Each child is given an equal opportunity to enjoy this modern foreign language at an early age, when they are most receptive to learning new languages of any kind but whilst having fun at the same time.
Key Stage 1
In KS1 the focus is on oral language learning and the developing of good authentic accents and pronunciation. Songs and rhymes and wherever possible actions and basic signing are used to facilitate the language learning process and to give added meaning to the new words and expressions being introduced. This makes the language more memorable and children are then able to recall and recycle words and expressions much more easily. Stories are also a great vehicle for language learning and provide a great insight into the Spanish culture.
Most importantly however the lessons are light and fun with an up-beat atmosphere and rhythm. Consequently the children are not afraid to speak up and enjoy owning their second language in a fun and learning-friendly environment.
Key Stage 2
As the children progress into KS2 written Spanish is gently introduced. The children are therefore made aware of the differences in sounds between Spanish and English and how they are written. Their work is recorded in their Spanish book and this remains with them during their four years in KS2. By the end of this time the children have a very good grasp of basic of conversational Spanish as well as a good word bank from various topics (E.g. food, weather, body parts, colours, countries, family animals). They will also have a good understanding of the local geography of Spain; know which are its neighbouring countries for example and have an appreciation of Spanish culture and some Spanish rituals.
Although the lessons are short (30 minutes), Spanish is spoken throughout the session as much as possible so that children can appreciate the flow of the language and be exposed to continuous spoken Spanish. Songs and rhymes, chants and raps are used in the teaching and learning of the language. The lessons are upbeat and children are encouraged to use and enjoy speaking Spanish!