Reporting an absence
Reporting an absence
It is really important that we know where children are! If your child cannot attend school because of illness then please inform the office either in person or by telephoning before 9.30am. You will be put through to our answering machine - please use Option 1 (to report an absence).
It helps office staff if you can state clearly
- the name of your child
- the reason for absence
- the expected date of return.
Messages are this picked up before the office staff begin to chase up non attenders. If you are unsure of the date of return - please keep the office updated daily.
Please do not use an email for reporting absences as this may not be delivered or opened before 9.30am.
When the office has not been informed of an absence, a telephone call will be made to parents of absent children. It is important that you respond to this call.
For more information please click here for our Attendance Policy.