Tigers - Year 5
The Tigers
Welcome to the Tiger class page for 2018-19. Please visit this page as often as you can to find out what we have been doing in class and also to get any additional information relating to events and tasks given to the 'Tiger Team'.
What's Been Going On?
This week we have been investigating the position of shapes
This week we have been writing police reports
This week we have been looking at the human life cyle
See below to find out what we are learning this term...
Make your own planet - see details below. Hand in first day back after the end of term.
Spellings are now used to complete spelling based morning tasks in this final term. Below is the complete list to learn.
Times Tables
Thanks to those parents who have asked for any additional activities and websites to help make learning tables more interesting. Below is a document with some websites I've found useful in the classroom. Also don't forget that your child's mathletics account has a section with interactive songs if you're feeling lively enough!
A Special Mention
Whole Class - For their great work doing stop frame animation
Dates For The Diary
A Message From Me
Congratulations to the Tiger members who took part in our winning District Swimming Gala squad. your all performed brilliantly!
It was great to see the children get involved in our WW2 day. Those that chose to get dressed up for the occasion looked fantastic and it really added to the feel of the day. Well done!
All those who have handed in parents evening slips have been given an appointment. please check book bags if your child has not given you theirs yet. Thanks.
- Please remember to read 5 times each week for a minimum of 10min.
- PE kits will be needed Tuesday and Thursdays. Please bring both outdoor and indoor clothing just in case.
- Any parents wanting to help with readers please contact the office or speak to me personally.
The Gallery
Check out the tiger stop frame animation videos on internet safety...

Paige and Evie Mae.MOV

WW2 Day
Looking at artifacts...

Our ARP Warden... Bert

Our munition factory worker....Gloria

You’ll find us all...doing the Lambeth Walk


Look who joined in...
The Great Rationing Quiz

Amy May’s WW2 presentation of her great uncle
Viking Day
Our Two Viking Boys
Grinding, Weaving and Hammering... the Viking way
Designing our own Settlement
A Viking Raid
Harvest Festival
Answering to the Thane!
Investigating Gravity
Safety Zone 2018
The Viking Investigation
Residential Visit to Beaumanor
29th April - 1st May 2019
Survival Skills and Den Building