Design and Technology
Design and Technology at Hollywell
The department for education states that ‘a high quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture wealth and well being of the nation.’
At Hollywell, Design and Technology is taught through our creative curriculum. All design and technology tasks involve pupils designing and making a product with a specific purpose in mind. Pupils are taught specific skills including cutting, shaping, joining and finishing techniques which they are then able to apply to complete their tasks. They are given the opportunity to develop their technical knowledge and are able to independently select and use a wide variety of materials and components. Pupils are given time to develop their ideas, plan, make, evaluate and refine their own products. Most projects have a D+T element and pupils are able to build and develop their design and technology skills throughout school.
Design and Technology in The Early Years (Reception)
Children at Hollywell Primary School:
*safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and joining techniques, experimenting with colour, design , texture, form and function.
Design and Technology at Key Stage 1 (Yr1/Yr2)
Children at Hollywell Primary School:
*are taught the basic principles of balanced eating and where food comes from, and are encouraged to develop an interest in cooking.
*perform simple, useful, practical tasks (making products for a purpose using a basic range of tools and materials, and techniques such as cutting, forming and joining).
*explore different materials, and become familiar with their properties and uses communicate ideas simply, such as through drawing, jottings, modelling in 2-D and 3-D and, where appropriate, using information and communication technology to record the development of their designs.
*appreciate the need for good design by evaluating a range of design and designers.
Design and Technology at Key Stage 2 (Yr3-Yr6)
Children at Hollywell Primary School:
*increase their experience in different areas of design and technology, including through learning about local crafts or industries.
*are taught about key historical developments in design and technology.
*learn about the major components of a balanced diet and how ingredients can be combined to prepare healthy meals and engage in basic cooking techniques including cooking a variety of savoury dishes.
*use safely and increasingly effectively a wider range of tools, equipment and materials with increasing skill to make products that are fit for purpose.
*develop and use straightforward practical, maintenance and repair skills.
*extend their skills to communicate their ideas visually in 2-D and 3-D, including through using information and communication technology.
*use constructive comments from others to improve their work.
*understand key events and turning points in design and technology, such as the Industrial Revolution, and how they have shaped the world we live in.
Have a look at these for ideas to try at home: - An idea library that shows models that could be made - Lots of Food Technology information - Links to Lego building