School Meals
Spring Term 2025 Menus
Autumn Term 2024 Menus
Hollywell Receives Gold Award for School Meals!!
We are proud that Hollywell Primary School has been awarded the Gold Food for Life Partnership award for our school meals.
A Food for Life Schools Award demonstrates that our school is doing fantastic work to provide healthy school meals, great lunchtimes and food education that has a positive impact on both pupils and the wider community.
Food for Life awards are centred around four areas of development -
Food Quality
Food Leadership and Food Culture
Food Education
Community and Partnerships
What is a GOLD school?
Act as hubs for their local community, actively involving parents and community groups in cooking and growing activities
Meet the Gold Food for Life Catering Mark which shows the food served is healthy, ethical, uses lots of local ingredients and is animal and climate friendly, including a minimum of 15% organic and 5% free range
Pupils choosing to eat a school meal is the norm
Are actively involved in the life of a local farm and active in planning and growing organic food for the school.
For more information visit
All infant aged children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes) receive their midday school meal free of charge. Unless your child has a dietary need, we will cook them a meal and encourage them to try it. However, if you are concerned your child may not like the dinner provided you can choose to send them with a packed lunch which they will be able to eat if they do not eat their school meal.
Meals for KS2 children are charged at a daily rate of £2.75 from 1st September 2024.
Cashless Payment System
Meals are paid for via ParentPay, a convenient cashless payment system.
Free School Meals & How to Apply
You may be eligible to claim for Free School Meals. If you believe that you do qualify then please visit
In addition to this the Government is providing additional funding to schools for each pupil that is eligible for the Pupil Premium. To ensure we capture all funds that are applicable which will enable us to provide additional equipment, support and activities for the pupils, parents must apply. This includes for those children who are in Key Stage 1. You will need to use this link
where you can apply online or telephone 0300 500 8080.
Criteria remains the same
“You may qualify for free school meals if your child attends a Nottinghamshire County Council School or Nursery full time (in line with the school’s published admission arrangements) and you receive one of the following benefits:
- income support
- income based jobseeker’s allowance
- income related employment support allowance
- support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- child tax credit, provided you are not entitled to working tax credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
- guarantee element of state pension credit