Lions - Year 6
Welcome to Lions Class Page
Dear Lions,
Thank you so much for dealing with the current situation with mature respectfulness. You are a real credit to your parents and Hollywell Primary School. I am so very proud you all.
First of all, I want to reassure you that your preparation for the SATs will not be at all wasted. My results tables give a clear indication of the great progress you have made and all the hard work that you have put in during your time so far in Year 6.
In addition, you will be relieved to know that most of the Maths and English curriculum has actually been covered early in the school year to make sure that you were amply prepared for the tests. All that is necessary, over this period of social distancing, is that you continue to improve these skills to make sure are ‘secondary-school ready’.
Furthermore, the conscientious Year 6 work ethic that you have developed over the last few months will enable you to work independently on the tasks I plan to set for you at home.
Outlined below is a schedule for home learning whilst you are not at school. Please note this is just a guide and does not have to be followed to the letter. However, it will help to structure your time in a responsible and useful way.
Work will start tomorrow. Before that, today, you can start by planning where you will exercise, study and what time you plan to start. Organise yourself – set your alarm clock for tomorrow, sort out your intended work space and sharpen your pencils!
On a daily basis, I will be adding ‘5 a day’ educational tasks to be completed each day. The timetable below gives an overview of what to expect.
Before the Easter break, the afternoon project tasks will have an Easter theme. I realise that resources may be limited at home but try your best to rise to the challenge with what you can find. It would be fabulous if you could consider recycling materials that otherwise would be thrown away.
Like you, I am new to Class Dojo but I hope that you will send me photos of completed projects. I will try to upload any photos that you send and respond to your messages as soon as I can. Please make sure that you have all signed up for it.
There will be days when I will be teaching children of key workers in school. On these days I will not be setting daily tasks so please take this opportunity to catch up on any of the work that you have not been able to complete so far.
We might be all in our separate homes but I will be thinking of you all constantly.
You are all amazing. Keep positive and stay safe.
Mrs Smith- Fleming
This Spring 2 Half Term We Are Learning
This Spring Half Term We Are Learning
After learning all about the dreadful effects of plastic pollution on our planet, the children will highlight this important issue by holding a fashion show with a difference.
This Half Term We Are Learning
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Lions had such fun reenacting the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece with Partake. Here are some photographs of the Lions in action. See if you can spot the Argo, the harpies, the 'beautiful' sirens and Jason. Can you work out who the children are beneath their Grecian masks?
Jason and the Golden Fleece
If you happen to lose your spelling list, here's a copy that you can use.
Spellings to Learn for the Year
Lions Macmillan Cake Sale
A big massive cheer to Lions who helped to raise the fantastically huge sum of £403 for Macmillan Cancer Support today.
It was certainly wonderful to see parents and children coming together to tuck into delicious treats that so many people provided for such a good cause.
What made it extra special was the knowledge that every penny that went into the pots will help Macmillan be right there for people living with cancer, as they continue to offer emotional, physical and financial support to those who need them.
Lions enthusiasm, helpfulness and conduct during the event made Hollywell exceedingly proud of their Year 6 pupils.
Well done, Lions! You did something extraordinary.
Welcome Lions!
You have made a fabulous start to the new school year! Click below to find out what you will be learning this term: