History at Hollywell
Our curriculum driver is INSPIRATION.
Through History at Hollywell, we seek to inspire pupil’s curiosity and enthusiasm to know more about the past. History enriches children’s natural enquiry skills and allows them to foster a keen appreciation of the world that has gone before them. It not only broadens the children’s knowledge and understanding about the past, but it also enhances and supports their learning in other curriculum areas. By giving children the opportunity to explore and research the actions of people and events in the past, they are able to develop their own ideas, beliefs and values.
We use a interconnected approach to the teaching of all topics from EYFS through to Y6. In EYFS, we relate the children’s history learning to the objectives set out in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five.
Three main strands weave throughout our curriculum: Evolution, Environmental, and Legacies. These pathways build a schema to connect and support links in learning and aid long-term memory retention. History forms the spine of the Evolution and Legacies strands. It is an ‘interconnected subject’ that is taught through cross-curricular projects in every year group.
Within the KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum, History is a foundation subject, whereby the programme of study is divided into chronological understanding; historical enquiry; range and depth of historical knowledge; historical interpretation; and organisation and communication. Each of these aspects are covered through our interconnected units of study that facilitate the development of a range of themes:
Throughout the History Curriculum at Hollywell, all pupils will:
- Enjoy learning about the past and will develop an understanding of how the past has influenced the present.
- Develop a sense of chronology so they can organise their understanding of the past.
- Have opportunities for investigation and learning using a wide range of historical sources and information.
- Learn how to distinguish between historical facts and interpretation.
- Have opportunities to develop their skills of enquiry, analysis and investigation.
- Identify changes within living memory.
- Learn about the significant events in the history of their immediate locality, Great Britain and the world both within and beyond living memory.
- Learn about historically significant people whose legacies have shaped the world we live in.
- Develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through the study of past societies.
History teaching focuses on enabling children to think as historians. Whenever possible we provide children with first hand experiences and place an emphasis on examining historical artefacts, photographs and primary sources.
We give children the opportunity to visit sites of historical significance. Educational Theatre groups visit for historical themed days, allowing the children to learn through role play and empathy. We also encourage local visitors into school to talk about their experiences of events in the past. We recognise and value the importance of stories in history teaching and we regard this as an important way of stimulating interest in the past.
We focus on helping children understand that historical events can be interpreted in different ways and that they should always ask searching questions, such as ‘how do we know?’, about information they are given and should consider the beliefs and values of that time.
History at Hollywell is fun, hands on and will support our children in becoming curious, creative individuals with the ability to analyse both the past and the present world around them, and contribute positively to our society.