Sports Premium Funding
Sports Premium at Hollywell
What is School Sports Premium Grant?
The School Sports Premium Grant is additional funding from the Government to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. It is also for improving the health and wellbeing of primary pupils.
We believe physical activity is a hugely important part of the curriculum and we pride ourselves on offering children many opportunities to get involved in sport, learn in an active way and increase their understanding of health and fitness. This funding has enabled us to employ the services of outside agencies and specialist coaches to come into the school and provide an enriched physical curriculum. In addition, we have used funding to improve the resources available to all pupils to enable them to be physically active during break times and lunchtimes.
How much is the Sports Premium Grant?
Allocations for the academic year 2023/24 were calculated using the number of pupils in Years 1 to 6 and those age 5 in Reception, as recorded at the January Census as follows:
Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £8,000 x2 plus £5 per eligible pupil; and
Schools with 16 or fewer eligible pupils receive £500 per eligible pupil.
At Hollywell, we have received £17,780 for the academic year 2023/24 and estimate that we will receive £17,780 for the academic year 2023/24
After an initial audit of school needs, a School Sports Premium Action Plan was constructed. This included a set of priorities for the School Sports Premium Grant up to the end of the 2023/24 academic year. Click below to see a full breakdown of this years spending and action plan.
What Happened Last Year?
Last year our action plan adapted significantly from its original outline but still built on the impact already seen in from the increased provision and positive attitudes to swimming in years 3-6. Unfortunately due to a local liesure centre closer, unfortunately the year 2 swimming was unable to commence for all year groups starting at year 2 .
We also used the funding for the ongoing Continued Professional Development of both staff needs within the curriculum and those outside of the curriculum to aid the delivery of extra curricular clubs. The main bulk of the spending in 2023-24 involved supporting the delivery of the sport strands within our unique GROWTH Enrichment program.
For full details click the attached 2023-24 action Plan and Impact documents and the spending breakdown spreadsheet for 2023/24 at the bottom of this page. A prelimenary Impact and action document for 2024/25 will be availble to peruse in ealy September 2024.
Hollywell Primary School School Sports Premium Spending Action Plan and Impact Document
Year 6 School Swimming Attainment Levels
As a direct result of the SPF through additional provision for children in KS2 who were not on track to achieve their competent 25m target; additional water confidence sessions were set to be incorporated into the KS2 swimming provision; however due to the closure of our local swimming pool in Feb 2024 this was not able to happen this year. as a result 16 of the 30 current year 6 students achieved their Stage 7 award(Nottinghamshire School Swimming Association). This required the children to complete all of the following:
*Swim confidently, competently and efficiently over a distance of at least 25m
*Use a range of strokes effectively
*Perform safe self-rescue in a range of water-based situations
This amounts to 53% pass rate for this 2023/24 cohort.