Cougars - Year 1
Welcome to the Cougar's page! There are 30 children in our Year 1 class and we aim to be the best behaved class in the whole of the school! Mrs Miller teaches us on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Avery teaches us on a Thursday and Friday. We are lucky enough to have three teaching assistants that work with us. Mrs Bradley works with us most days but Mrs Sankey and Mrs Turner-Paxton also take it in turns to work with us in the afternoons. On this page you can find lots of information about what we are going to be doing this term and you can also find out about some of the exciting things we've already done!

What a beautiful afternoon Monday was! We searched the school grounds for signs of spring and we found loads! There was buds and blossom growing on our lovely trees, birds building nests, newly emerging seedlings and lots of insects! Have a look at our photos...

Look at these beautiful bouquets of flowers we have made –just in time for Mothering Sunday. We even made the vases!

This half –term we have been finding out about the properties of materials. We can name common materials and we have learned some very clever scientific vocabulary such as transparent, opaque, flexible, brittle and magnetic. This week we have been making up songs to show what we know about a material. We worked in groups to write our songs and then we taught them to the rest of the class. All this in just one lesson! Here are our songs performed by The Cougars.
Our Songs About Materials

We have been so busy today! We listened to the story of The Three Little Pigs and discussed their choice of building materials. We were then given time to select a range of materials from around the classroom to build a house for one of our toy pigs. The house would have to withstand a huffing and puffing from a very angry wolf (we used a hair dryer) and a substantial rain shower. We had to talk about why we’d chosen the materials we had. We had a great time testing all the houses and it really put our scientific skills of predicting, observing, recording and drawing conclusions to the test!

Click on the link below to find out about all the exciting things we’ll be learning about in the autumn term.
Let's Harvest!
We have been looking for signs of autumn and finding out about harvest time. Look at these wonderful pictures we have created using pastels and water colours. It took us several sessions and a lot of patience to gradually build up these super pieces of artwork.

In maths we have been investigating symmetry within shapes. We decided to explore symmetry within nature and then created these beautiful symmetrical autumn trees by printing with autumn coloured paint and then folding the paper.
Cougar's Curriculum Meeting
Thank you to the parents that were able to make the recent curriculum meeting. If you were unable to attend or would like to refresh your memory, here is a copy of the presentation shown in the meeting.
Cougars' Curriculum Meeting