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At Hollywell Everyone Matters

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Hollywell Primary School home page

Hollywell Primary School

At Hollywell Everyone Matters

Home Learning & Timetable


Welcome to the Summer Term, please find a small overview as to

how weekly tasks and activities are now being set.


On the Leopards class page, under Summer Term Home Learning, there is a folder with the date for the week commencing.  In the folder, you will find everything need to complete that week’s tasks.



This will include everything needed for the week’s learning: 

ãCore Curriculum Tasks (Maths, Writing and Spelling/Reading)

ãWider Curriculum Tasks (Keeping Active, Things to watch/read/hear & History, Geography, Science, Computing, Art, Religious Education and Music) 


ãOther documents related to tasks that week.



The weeks learning will include 9 Core Curriculum tasks & 6 Wider Curriculum tasks along with ideas/links for a daily Keeping Active task and a Watch/Read/Listen task.


We would recommend that children still complete 5 tasks a day, but you and your child can now choose which tasks to complete.  This choice may help with other commitments you may have and give you flexibility in prioritising where you can support them with their learning.



Our recommendation is that each day the children choose 5 tasks:

1. Keeping Active activity

2. Choice task – core or wider curriculum task

3. Choice task – core or wider curriculum task

4. Choice task – core or wider curriculum task

5. Something to watch/read/listen (This might be reading a book independently for 10/20 minutes)



I am contactable on ClassDojo to answers questions and offer support between 8.30-9.30am and between 3.00-3.30pm each day.


Stay safe, stay healthy & stay happy!


Mrs Hodson