We are the Cougars. There are 30 of us and we are five and six years old. Mrs Miller is our teacher on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Avery teaches us on Thursday and Friday. To find out more about our curriculum for the year, our routines and procedures scroll down to the bottom of the page and play the slide show.
This term our topic is '999 Emergency'. We will be finding out all about the emergency services, the history of the different emergency services, how to keep ourselves safe, what to do in an emergency and The Great Fire of London. Click on the fire engine below for a more detailed overview of what we will be learning this term. Scroll down to find out what we've been doing each week.
Today, we took advantage of the beautiful spring sunshine and seized the opportunity to do a little gardening. So far we have planted: potatoes, carrots, beetroot, a raspberry bush, 2 different kinds of strawberries, cucumbers, radishes, broccoli, sweetcorn, peas, lettuce, peppers and some wild flowers. We are hoping for a beautiful long hot summer to enable record breaking bumper crops. While we are growing the food we are finding about climates around the world, seasonal variation, how plants grow and all about the structure of different plants.
Monday 6th March
For the last week we have been planning and rehearsing plays of our favourite traditional tales. Clickhereto visit our 'Videos' page to see how they turned out.
Wednesday 23rd February
We began by digging up all the weeds and examining their roots. We found lots of interesting things, including these potatoes.
We also had to turn over the soil and break up the larger pieces to enable the roots to spread out when our seeds start to grow.
We are very excited to be growing our own potatoes. We have planted a special kind of potato called a seed potato. The potatoes had been left on a windowsill to 'chit'. This means that the potatoes had begun to sprout roots and a shoot. Have a look at what we did...
1st February 2017
We are continuing with our poetry work based on 'The Senses' this week and we have worked in groups to think of short poems based on the sense of touch. We made up these poems in just ten minutes!! Sometimes it can be a little daunting to present our poems to the whole class but we did really well! Have a look and see...
Look at our fabulous writing! It took days of planning to write these news reports, pause the slide show to take a closer look at any of the reports.
This week we have been enjoying Poetry about 'The Senses'. We have read lots of different poems and we have learned 'That's What I Like' off by heart. We are learning how to use video cameras and we have filmed our performances all by ourselves. Very soon we will be learning how to add captions and titles! Have a look at our performances from this week.
That's What I Like
Wednesday 11th January
This term our science topic is 'Materials'. We have begun this topic by finding out about some properties of simple everyday materials. We have worked in pairs to chose a material and then write a song about the properties of it. Have a listen and see what you think (you will need your volume turned up because the recordings are a little quiet). Press play and the songs will all play automatically.
materials songs.wmv
9th November 2016
Last week, as part of our work on 'Food and Farming' we read the story of 'Handa's Surprise' by Eileen Browne you can watch this story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Vmf4Cwvls We then spent two days planning our own English versions of the story. We all had to think of seven English foods we could pack in our bag (and think of words to describe them!) and seven animals that you would find in England who could steal the foods from the basket. We then got into groups and discussed our ideas. Each group decided on their favourite foods and animals and then created their very own plays. They made their own masks and props and had to assign all the roles and create the scripts all by themselves. Once they had performed their plays for the class and the camera they had to add a title sequence with music to their videos. They have worked SO hard on these plays and they are quite rightly very proud of what they have achieved. Have a look, you will be amazed...
Amazing Adjectives
This week we have been looking at finding adjectives to use in our Handa's Surprise writing. We have tried lots of different foods and written down how they tasted. We have found some wonderful adjectives.
Take a look at our fabulous signing! We have learned all the signs for the song 'What a Wonderful World' by Louis Armstrong. We performed it for our Harvest Festival.
What a wonderful world.wmv
Wednesday 19th OctoberThis week we have been finding out about tractors. In English we have researched the different jobs tractors do and written sentences about them. In art we have followed instructions on how to draw tractors and then used oil pastels and paint to create an autumn landscape. It would appear we have a class full of budding artists! Aren't they fantastic?
On Thursday 6th October the Cougars and Cheetahs climbed on board two coaches and headed off to White Post Farm. We had a fantastic time. Next week we will writing recounts of the day and so you'll have to wait until we've edited and copied up our work to make sure it is 'world wide web quality' before you can find out all the details of what we did. Here are some of the photographs for you to look at in the meantime.
Here they are...
Our recounts of our day at White Post Farm. We have tried really hard to use use time connectives in our writing. Click on a piece of writing to enlarge it.
This week we have been finding out about autumn. We have talked about all the changes that happen in autumn and all of the exciting things that happen during the autumn months such as Halloween, Bonfire Night and Diwali. We went out into the school grounds to look for signs of autumn and collect some natural materials for our autumn collages.
Just look at the beautiful collages we made!
In maths this week we have been looking at symmetry. We found lots of symmetrical shapes and objects and we were surprised by how much symmetry there is in nature. We used a folding printing technique to create these wonderful symmetrical trees. We called them 'symme-trees.
Week beginning: Sept 26th 2016
This week we have been reading 'The Little Red Hen' and reading and writing instructions. We have followed a recipe for making bread and hi-lighted all the bossy verbs! We took lots of photos of us making the bread and then wrote our own 'easy-peasy' recipe. We have researched how bread is made in the factory and how the flour is produced. We have also been finding out about how flour was made in windmills. Have a look at how we made our very own bread rolls.
As part of our work on 'The Little Red Hen' we looked at how flour was milled before it was produced in factories. We had a fun making our own handheld windmills and then had a fabulous time when we took them outside to investigate how fast we could make them spin.
Monday 12th September
This week we are reading 'Farmer Duck' by Martin Wadell. We all felt really sorry for poor Farmer Duck because the lazy farmer made him do all the work while he stayed in bed all day eating chocolates. We got into groups and pretended to be animals from the story and talked about how we could help the duck and cheer him up. We had to present our plan to the rest of the farm.
As part of our history topic we are finding about transport and machines. We were set the challenge to create a wheel from a strip of paper and then to make it as strong as we could!
Autumn Term 2016
This term we will be finding out about food and farming. We have got so much to learn about! Click on the tractor to find more about what we'll be doing across the curriculum or scroll down to find out what we've already done.
Click on the
Play the video to find out about life in the Cougars.
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