Tasks w/c 8th June
It has been lovely to be back at school teaching Lions Class. The numbers might be small at the moment but I know that those pupils who attended last week have really enjoyed seeing each other, learning something new, having a laugh and playing together at play-time. And ... we can all do this whilst keeping at an acceptable distance. Safety comes first and we have all been working hard to keep ourselves safe at the same time.
Wednesday is my day to plan Home Learning activities and update Class Dojo so please keep me informed how you are getting on with it all at home. I'm here for you too.
This week's Core Subjects are available below for Home Learning. Our Maths work focuses on reflections and coordinates. The overall theme of our English work this week involves the understanding of two important words: 'propaganda' and 'morale'. Your work on evacuation, rationing and the 'Dig for Victory' campaign should help you to understand what these concepts mean.
Two pieces of Mathletics work are available for you to complete by Sunday, 3:30pm aswell. 2 Dojo points are given for each completed task.
Take care, look after each other, smile and laugh often and stay safe and healthy,
Mrs Smith-Fleming