More about RSE at Hollywell
Relationships and Sex Education at Hollywell
In 2021, Hollywell parents were informed about the new statutory guidance for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and consulted on the proposals for delivery through PSHE lessons here at Hollywell. The purpose of the consultation was to share with you our curriculum approach and to seek your feedback. We would like to thank all parents and carers who took time to submit responses and complete the questionnaire.
Overall, the responses gathered were highly positive about the curriculum and what we do to ensure that our youngsters have the knowledge and understanding of safe and healthy relationships based on respect.
The resources we use to deliver sensitive areas of RSE are outlined below:
Year 1 NSPCC Pantosaurus Video 2017 NSPCC Pantosaurus and the Power of PANTS children’s book | The children learn about what it means to keep something private, including parts of the body that are private. They are taught how to identify different types of touch and how they make people feel (e.g. hugs, tickling, kisses and punches). They learn how to respond if being touched makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe. They learn that: PANTS stands for: Privates are important Always remember that your body belongs to you No means no Talk about secrets that upset you Speak up, someone can help
Year 2 4 Learning: All About Us: Living and Growing (Alternative) Primary Sex and Relationship Education DVD Programme 1 ‘Differences’ Programme 2 ‘How Did I Get Here?’ Programme 3 ‘Growing Up’ (Programmes suitable for 5-7 year olds) | Pupils learn about the human life cycle and how people grow from young to old, how their needs and bodies change as they grow up. The children are also be taught that a baby develops inside the mother’s womb and that both a man and a woman is needed to make a baby. When talking about differences, the children learn to identify and name the main parts of the body including external genitalia.
Year 3 NSPCC Pantosaurus Video 2017 NSPCC Pantosaurus and the Power of PANTS children’s book
| The children revise the PANTS rule. (See above). |
Year 4 4 Learning: All About Us: Living and Growing (Alternative) Primary Sex and Relationship Education DVD Programme 4 ‘Changes’ (Programme suitable for 7-9-year-olds) | Pupils are given a brief overview of the physical and emotional changes in puberty using the proper names for external genitalia. They also talk about personal hygiene routines. The lesson is delivered in a way that is fully age appropriate, empowering pupils to feel more confident about body differences and change.
Year 5 4 Learning: All About Us: Living and Growing (Alternative) Primary Sex and Relationship Education DVD Programme 5 ‘Girl Talk’ Programme 6 ‘Boy Talk’ (Programmes suitable for 7–11-year-olds)
| The pupils cover the changes in the body related to puberty and anxieties related to this. A question and answer session, usually held in single sex groups, follows. |
Year 6 4 Learning: All About Us: Living and Growing (Alternative) Primary Sex and Relationship Education DVD Programme 7 ‘How Babies Are Made’ Programme 8 ‘How Babies Are Born’ (Programmes available for 7-11-year-olds) | Pupils learn how babies are made. They explore the idea of relationships, including friendships, parent-child and family relationships and adult sexual relationships. Pupils discover how a baby develops in the womb during pregnancy and how babies are born. They also consider the needs of babies before and after birth.
Should you still have any concerns about specific RSE topics, please view the attached information regarding statutory guidance and feedback from the parental consultation. In addition, your class teacher and Hollywell’s PSHE coordinator, Mrs Smith-Fleming, will be more than happy to talk to you about Hollywell’s RSE curriculum and to share with you the resources that we use. We always value the feedback from parents and carers.
Useful Websites to Support RSE Education in School