Spring 2017 Click Here!
Happy New Year! Find out what we'll be up to this term...
Panthers you have been amazing and brought in 3,589 Christmas cards!
This has helped school collect a BRILLIANT 7,789 cards in total for the FSC.
World Book Day
We really enjoyed celebrating children's literature by dressing up as our favourite book characters.
'Ready, Steady, READ!'
Our fantastic sponsored event has raised LOADS of money to help us buy even more quality books for us to enjoy. Well done everyone!
Evacuee Day
As part of our studies on WW2, we took the opportunity to dress up again!
As Evacuees, we took part in a range of activities that taught us what life would have been like for a child living during the war.
Many thanks to Partake Theatre for bringing the day to life, we absolutely loved it!
We studied a range of 1940s artefacts and tried to work out what they were used for.
Some were rather obscure!! Others, however, were easier to understand.
We found out all about the work of the ARP Wardens (Air Raid Precautions) and the equipment they used.
One of us got the opportunity to dress as a Warden; we found the helmet incredibly heavy!
We spent some time in a 1940s lesson, learning about rationing and the impact it had on the weekly shopping.
We were very surprised at how little each person was allowed.
Then we went to 'the cinema' to watch the latest news bulletin - all about evacuees.
Suddenly the air raid siren sounded and we had to make a dash for the shelter.
It was rather frightening to start with. The siren was SO loud we could hardly hear our selves think.
The sound of explosions filled the air and we sang to keep our spirits up.
Then the 'all clear' sounded which made us feel a lot better.
Lastly, we had a 'good old knees up' and learned to dance the Lambeth Walk and the Jitterbug.
They were lots of fun and we had a great time.
Dig for Victory
As part of our work learning about the ‘Home Front’, we began our own ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign.
We planted potatoes, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, broccoli and turnips. They should be ready to eat in a few months’ time.
V.E. Day Celebrations
We rounded off our work on WW2 with our own V.E. Day celebration. We listened to Churchill's speech to the nation before enjoying
a 'rationed' party meal while listening to a medley of 1940s music. We then finished with another rendition of the Lambeth Walk.