Tasks w/c 6th July
Hi everyone,
It's very nearly the end of the Summer Term and that means that you will be getting excited (and possibly a little nervous) about the huge step infront of you .... secondary school. With that in mind, and to ease that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling, I have incorporated some transtion activities into your home-learning package. This week focuses on organisation - from planning your journey to the equipment you might need. I hope that you will find this useful!
The Maths focus is dividing fractions and working out percentages. It really is a good idea to revise these concepts in preparation for secondary school. I know that those of you who are able to attend school had forgotten how to multiply fractions last week and were glad of the practice.
We have nearly finished our WWII topic. I hope that you have found it interesting. Our main English task this week requires you to research someone who has been awarded with the title 'Righteous Amongst Nations' . First of all, you must discover what this award actually means so check out the Power Point in the lesson plan.
Have a good week and see you, hopefully, very soon.
Mrs Smith-Fleming