Cougars - Year 1

Welcome to the Cougar's page! There are 31 lovely children in our class and we aim to be the best behaved class in school.
Mrs Miller teaches us on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Avery teaches us on a Thursday and Friday. Mr Gilbert teaches us P.E on a Tuesday morning and Mrs Fawcett teaches us Spanish on a Thursday morning. We are such a busy class!

Spring Term 2
This half-term we will be finding out about seasides and lighthouses. Click the link below for more information:.
Spring Term 1
This half-term we will be finding about our beautiful oceans and seas. Click on the link below to find out what we'll be learning.

Click on the picture of Percy below to find out what we’ll be learning about this term.
Tuesday 2nd October
This week Percy is in Italy. He has visited so many interesting places, click on his PowerPoint slide show to find out more. Percy told us all about the wonderful pizzas he has eaten in the pizzerias so we decided we would have a go at making our own. We researched which pizza toppings were the most popular and then came up with our own pizza designs. Today we made the pizzas we had designed, we even made our own bread dough. Have a look at how we got on…
Percy's Diary: Italy