Tigers - Year 5
The Tigers
Welcome to the our Tiger class page for 2017-18
Visit this page as often as you can to find out what we have been doing in class and also any additional information relating to events and tasks given to the 'Tiger Team'
What's Been Going On?
Mount Cook Residential Visit 18/4/18 - 20/2/18
Tigers have had an amazing time youth hostelling in the Derbyshire Dales. Check out some of the activities which encouraged team spirit, resilience and determination to succeed. The sun shone and we had a glorious time. More pictures to follow next week!
Gem Panning
Team Challenges
Getting our Climbing Harnesses On
High Ropes Challenge
High Ropes Challenge 2
Bush Craft
This week the Tiger Team have been learning how to convert metric units of measure.
We have been writing a balanced argument relating to the banning of homework!
Our science week this week has involved learning about the water cycle as part of our topic studies into our 'Etreme Earth'
Converting metric units of measure sheets. See me if you have lost it.
Tables Websites and resources
A Short Message
- A massive thanks to parents and children for making our children in need day such a success. The school raised just over £200 pound but amazingly THE TIGER TEAM raised a fantastic £257 on their own through cake sales and bookmark selling! GREAT JOB TEAM!
- Please remember to read and log your reading 5 times a week.
- Please remember to practice your times tables 5 times a week for our 'Beat the Clock' challenge.
- If any parents want to come in and read with members of our class please contact the office or speak to me personally.
A Special Mention
Congratulations to Lewis and Chloe for making it into the honours book this week.
Lewis - for conquering his fear on our residential trip.
Chloe- for her engagement and effort in all lessons this week.
Great Job Hollywell Trampoline Team! 3rd in the National Schools Championships!
The Gallery
Children in Need
Investigating Dissolving
The Selfish Giant
Jason and the Argonauts
Goodbye Sarah!
Investigating Air Resistance
Check out the fantastic stop frame animation project that Ellis, Abijah and Dylan below. the boys work really hard and produced a special example of great film directing.
Car Trouble
Investigating Water Resistance
Thank you to all of the parents that were able to attend my meeting on Tuesday. I appreciate that many working parents were unable to attend so have copied the presentation that I used and the 'What We Are Learning' document below. Also to help with the key info that I'd want to know, here is a brief summary:
- Indoor and outdoor PE kits needed for Tuesday
- Swimming only for those who have been told by myself
- Spellings handed out weekly
- H/W handed out weekly (depending on type so see PowerPoint for details)
- Ensure children are reading 10-15min 5 days a week and completing spellings 10min per day 5 days a week
- Any 1:1 work with your child will be shown within their school home school organiser and reading record
- Independence, resilience, challenge and enjoyment are the key concepts behind our learning journey in year 5